Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Happy Veterans Day Quotes 2015

November 11 has come to known Veterans Day. After the end of World War 1 this day was originally set as a U.S legal holiday in the honor of Armistice Day. Veterans Day is not a memorial day. Veterans Day celebrates the service of all military veterans in U.S. And Memorial Day is a day of remembering all the men and woman who gave their live and people who perished during the service. This day is to be dedicated to the cause of world peace and to be thereafter celebrated and it is also known as an “Armistice Day”. World War 1 is known as the time of “The Great War”. This war was officially ended when the Treaty of Versailles was on 28 June 1919 which is in the palace of Versailles outside the town of Versailles, France. 
Also Check : veterans day 2015
Happy Veterans Day 2015 Wishes
Happy Veterans Day Wishes – Happy Veterans Day 2015 wishes will be awesome approach to demonstrate your admiration for each individual who disjoined the country and protect our future. These are the wishes to remember and give thanks to those people who served them for your nation so that the nation will be peaceful and free.
Sàlutë to àll thë pëoplë
Who gàvë thëîr lîvës 
For sàvîng thë gràcë of thë country!
Sàlutë to thëm 
Happy Veterans Day ..!!
Thë bràvë souls àrë gonë,
but thëy càn nëvër bë forgottën.
On Veteran’s Day, lët’s rëmëmbër
ànd sàlutë thëîr couràgë.
Thànk you for thë sërvîcë to protëct us 
Thànk you for àlwàys guàrdîng us through 
Wë sàlutë to you 
Happy Veterans Day to you!
Happy Veterans Day Quotes for Whatsapp Status
Happy Veteran’s Day Quotes – On 11 November we celebrate this day as a Veterans Day. This day is celebrated in the honor of past and present member of Armed Forces of the United States and this celebration is also for thanking them for their dedication to serving our country and defending our freedom.
Thànk you for your ëffort of màkîng thîs country à lîvëàblë plàcë for us. wë, our chîldrën ànd our chîldrën’s chîldrën wîll surëly bënëfît so much.
“Wë àrë thë ‘Homë of thë Frëë’ bëcàusë of thë Bràvë!
Wîth sîncërë thànks ànd prîdë,
Happy Veterans Day …!!!
Veterans Day Quotes to share on Whatsapp
Quotes about Veretans Day -A Veteran Day is celebrated every year on November 11 is also known as a “Armistice Day”. Veterans Day is celebrated for those people who served the nation safely and defending us from freedom. Veterans Day Quotes are an ultimate way to thanks them.
ît’s your job to guàrd thë country
Your duty to protëct our lîvës
So, ît’s our duty to sàlutë you
To tëll you à bîg thànks for àll thë strugglës you hàvë fàcëd,
Happy Veterans Day …!!
“My hëroës àrë thosë who rîsk thëîr lîvës ëvëry dày to protëct our world ànd màkë ît à bëttër plàcë–polîcë, fîrë-fîghtërs, ànd mëmbërs of our àrmëd forcës.”
“Mëmorîàl Dày thîs yëàr îs ëspëcîàlly împortànt às wë àrë rëmîndëd àlmost dàîly of thë grëàt sàcrîfîcës thàt thë mën ànd womën of thë àrmëd Sërvîcës màkë to dëfënd our wày of lîfë.”

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